1. I have had multiple bikes stolen over the years and every time I reported them, the police response was extremely disappointing. Our garage was broken into and when they came to my house, they blew me off like it was no big deal. My family had to cancel our camping trip and my husband and I had to share a bike for the summer. It was years ago, so I can’t remember the exact response, but it was along the lines of your rich just go buy another one. Bike theft is not taken seriously here. There needs to be a change in attitude and sting operations using bait bikes and harsher penalties and enforcement. The alternative is to keep throwing money out the window through increased taxes; yet, seeing the same crimes increase over and over. Everyone in town knows what is happening and where, but nothing is changing. Ubikes is battling theft daily with kids making minimum wage being asked to be police officers. Most bikes cost more than a used car these days, but we are still treating the crime like petty theft.

  2. I guess it depends on how nice your car is and how nice your bike is. We are surrounded by elite athletes and Olympians, not sure why you are shocked. My bike cost more than my vehicle. I am not rich, but I choose to spend money on cycling, because I love it. You don’t have to.

  3. Didn't someone do this at the valmont post office a month or two back?

  4. I feel bad for the dog too. I highly highly doubt it can look forward to a fulfilling life as a family pet

  5. I ate beans during lunch every day when pregnant paired with a glass of milk in the morning and night.

  6. Huh, TIL that Negra Modelo is available in cans.

  7. The last time I was in Mexico I was stumbling around in a haze for days on end drinking tall cans of Modelo negra for breakfast and lunch.

  8. People don’t know enough to talk about it but a lot (read: not all) of the cuban dissidents were descendants of slaveowners and families in their aristocracy that were exploiting the people before castro overthrew them and instituted his own circle of hell there.

  9. My great grandma was an African slave in cuba. I have no beef with you, I'm more responding to the above comment. Just funny when people like them assume they know more about someone else's history.

  10. Social history is important, but I would argue so is propaganda. Most of Cuba's material troubles are the result of the embargo led by the US, which was 100% political, forcing misery onto the island because of power games in Washington. Was Castro a bastard? On balance yeah, but not as a result of ideology.

  11. Hmmm, so the "learn to code" rejoinder to deindustrialization and inequitable capital extraction wasn't actually an earnest attempt at creating a rising tide that lifts all boats? Has the C suite swindle of the knowledge economy finally reached the last holdout, the benighted tech worker? Shocking, absolutely shocking. If only a German political theorist with a huge beard and a taste for pilsner had seen this coming about 150 years ago...

  12. OP really generalized California in there as well. There are plenty of cities making major progress (Emeryville being a great example), and California is also making the first high-speed rail on the continent. It’s not like there’s no effort at all.

  13. The Netherlands consulted with engineers from UC Davis when they were first installing large scale bike infrastructure because Davis California was and is considered a global model of alternative mobility.

  14. There's just something about people talking about their health and health problems that just annoys the shit out of me. Weird pet peeve I know

  15. Bogotá definitely gave in to the car lobby. almost all the street cars were removed shortly after the Bogotazo to make way for cars and busses

  16. So because he got lucky and was able to move to the Netherlands unlike 99.9% of people reading this, his shit doesn't stink? I liked his videos at first, and obviously in principle agree with the designs he champions, but he comes off as a sanctimonious prick making money off of people he seems to look down on. No thanks.

  17. I know of burgers that are quite similar to the ones they serve at Krusty Burger.

  18. Hi there, I'm a reporter with CBS Colorado, and I'm interviewing people about their thought's on the RTD fare changes. My email is

  19. My thoughts are that it is very good, and hopefully indicates future trends and efforts of expanding and emphasizing all modes of public transit in Denver and throughout the front range

  20. I've eaten at that taco bell so many fucking times. Coming back down from climbing at ncar and crushing 5 spicy potato soft tacos back when they were new and $.79. The best of times

  21. Investigar is literally to research, anything at all. Less formal sounding options are averiguar, chequear, clarificar, comprobar, justificar, stuff like that, although the best choice can vary a lot by context as well.

  22. Not to mention apartments are not condos. Are we going to also stand up hundreds of thousands of HOAs at the same time. What happens if the apartment the landlord had to sell turns out to be a lemon? Now the new owners get 0% interest, government down payment of 25%, force negotiations and get to sue their former landlord as well?

  23. The property would be inspected, found to be deficient, and the price would be lowered. Where would all the inspectors come from? National jobs guarantee, combined with a national service program requiring 3 years of public employment for all high school graduates to build more housing. How do we pay for it? 90% tax rate on the wealth and earnings of the parasitic owning class.

  24. Wealth taxes are like the stupidest idea possible. Just trying to figure out valuations is nearly impossible.

  25. Absolutely, that as well. Very good suggestion thank you. I'd say 100% with no threshold but that's alright we can moderate it a little

  26. You'd be surprised what you can get away with being a semi attractive white girl if you turn on the water works a bit in court.

  27. Seconding this. I only use Huy Fong sriracha when I want a mild heat that specifically won't add much flavor. It's plainness gives it some versatility, which is its only strength imo. Other brands of sriracha (Sriraja Panich) have much more flavor.

  28. They are usually fine when domesticated and bred in a kennel unless you buy from a weirdo that just catches pigeons in the park to sell. I had a buddy in NYC that did pigeon racing and if there was anything wrong with one of his stock it was cat food.

  29. I mean, by definition it's a non-zero amount. It's anecdotal but the only people in Colorado I know who dedicatedly use non-emitting transportation or public transit are people actually from here. Transplants are used to driving and driving and driving for everything in places with only stroads and giant highways like Texas, California and Chicago, and they just continue those same habits here. Catch is, unlike those flat places, the mountains prevent that pollution from going anywhere, and then we all get to enjoy some of the worst air quality in the country. What a treat!

  30. Ah gee you're right I forgot the air here is actually super nice, that people don't move here in droves like some sort of zombie movie and that the mere presence of human beings pollutes an area. My bad!

  31. I mean yeah, actually, that's 100% true. Either a party is talking about radical redistribution of resources and seizure of private property and surplus value, or they're not. It really is that black and white.

  32. It’s a spectrum and the only reason you see it this way is due to your own strong bias

  33. No not at all, because we're not debating ideology, we're debating terms. Anyone who does not advocate for what I wrote in my first comment is on the right of your "spectrum". By definition. To be "left" in any sense, you must have at minimum the first principles of redistribution and equality of outcome.

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