1. What was the name of that saddle thing? Asking for a friend - don't tell my girl lol

  2. When I was young, I used to do that and kept a sort of diary with the postcards, including some juicy details. Naturally, I enclosed them in an envelope and mailed them to my parents.

  3. Since you haven't tried melatonin before maybe you should give it a test and see how it works for you. I use a melatonin diffuser and within 15 mins I am out like a rock, feel great when I wake up and on time too.

  4. There a plenty apps that help you fall asleep but not sure of any that detect when you a waking up. IDK?

  5. You might contract with a marketing firm that specializes in direct mail; they can design it, compile a list, and send mailings. I would suggest

  6. Also you can take it off the heat once the thickest part hits 160 and let it rest and the temp will keep going up to 165. I would treat 165 like the maximum as well as the minimum for white meat, I really don't think you want to go more than a couple of degrees over if possible.

  7. Ow Definitely! i cannot have any moisture on the chicken! that's gonna make everything bad!

  8. I don't know if you're much of a reader but I would definitely recommend you look at How to Grill: The Complete Illustrated Book of Barbecue Technique! It has everything you could possibly need to know. It's a pretty old book but everything still works!

  9. I'm definitely a huge reader! I love reading books no matter what they are about! I'm gonna look that up! Thank you!

  10. Growing up my dad always did leg quarters, we’d par cook them in a seasoned broth on the stove and finish them up on the grill. Less time on the grill but enough time to get some Smokey flavor and crisp it up the skin and set the sauce.

  11. That sounds amazing. that sounds like a great technique I might need to try it haha

  12. Don't listen to anyone except the one you having sex with, we all are different. personally, I use a toy whenever I have sex with my hubby because every time I can't have an orgasm from just PIV, so I have toys to help, my man is not doing anything wrong it's just my body that functions that way, and even when I cum from PIV I still rub it because it just feels good, don't listen to what other people say! If you feel like you don't do enough, invest in a toy, let me tell you the ladies won't be disappointed, I got this

  13. I’ve been using my ChefsTemp Finaltouch X10 for years. It’s sturdy, accurate and fast.

  14. It’s hard to buy when I’m on a student budget :/

  15. My skincare routine when I was a student vs now that I’m working was so different. One thing remains the same I’m always on the lookout for good deals

  16. The name is ingenious and I hope it does well. Good for him

  17. Maybe sneak some shredded onions in and watch how he reacts. People sometimes make up their minds that they don't like something and then never give it a chance.

  18. I studied hard before I toke because I don't want weed to be the cause of my failure, and as a result, my grades have improved because I was a lot more motivated.

  19. The key principle is that you're the owner of your data (not your bank), so you can do whatever you want with it. This means: you should be able to take your banking data to other new bank / fintech / company that you'd like (including your existing credit card limit, financing loans, historical data, etc)

  20. A lot of consumers are unaware that banks are doing what you mentioned at their expense. He thought education on the benefits of open banking would be one of the big barriers to its adoption.

  21. I love Pasta Night because they are very generous with the pasta sauce and they even include cheese in the kit. It is also perfect for sharing because there’s SO much food for each meal.

  22. I miss being able to casually sip on my coffee while anywhere indoors.

  23. It sounds so privileged but this. I want to window shop and drink a coffee with friends.

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