1. I was wanting Intel and Nvidia over the amd, since it's better for Fortnite performance

  2. Also how do I make a custom lootpool

  3. Just keep your push notifications on confirmed you’ll be fine

  4. Do you know where in the app I will find them?

  5. Last drop started around 9 after the ony and beluga raffles where ended, so maybe 6 or 9 in the morning,

  6. I know😭😭😭 I keep looking for them in stores but I'm just going to get them on Amazon. It's like eating off a paper plate every other day

  7. https://www.amazon.ca/Color-Party-Indoor-Outdoor-Glowing/dp/B09C5VFGH8/ref=asc_df_B09C5VFGH8/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=579309446581&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14386459523803534709&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000719&hvtargid=pla-1785021875237&psc=1

  8. Is it a terrarium for animals or one for mosses and plants?

  9. Yeah dont at all use it. Do you have a proper vertical vivarium for it?

  10. The fixture is good, very overpriced tho. The lamp is good for me ive used it and never had any problems

  11. What would you recommend for a cheaper fixture

  12. Plants can be planted directly in the enclosure’s substrate. Make sure to use a fertilizer/pesticides/perlite-free substrate.

  13. Is there anyway to plant the plants above the substrate

  14. You can make a styrofoam background with holes in it to fit potted plants. Use Reptibark, moss and coco fiber/husk to make the background look more natural :)

  15. I was planning on using spray foam for the background but that will work the same. Would terracotta pots be safe for them

  16. A single blood parrot would be fine, an Oscar would definitely outgrow. If you don’t mind dealing with brackish a green spot puffer is also an option for a solo fish.

  17. For the blood parrot would it work for its whole life or would it need to be upgraded when it grows. Also would there be any tank mates that could work with the blood parrot.

  18. Series S is pretty cheap and very capable in 120fps mode. Feels good to play on even coming from 280 hz. Benjy etc. played on it aswell for console cups and were saying it felt very good. No way you get a PC for that price that performs this way.

  19. For me I'd rather save a little more and get a PC since it's more versatile and able to do more stuff.

  20. the only way to get better is to practice. you could get a cheap pc build for $200-300 by getting a used office pc and gpu if that’s possible.

  21. I've wanted to do that but around me the used office PCs are at least 50$ and only have crappy celerons Anyway

  22. Agent Peely, Renegade Raider and Rue

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