1. You know the expansion is good when this is the stuff people can complain about

  2. Yea, Sabellian is a coward, he doesn't fight threats but hides or bends the knee.

  3. He's intelligent, I know that seems like cowardice to idiots though. Better than the whelping that keeps starting wars and getting people killed

  4. Idk, if the aspects are the leaders of their flights, charged with protecting the planet. I'd rather have the guy who tried to protect the planet, even if he fucked up some parts, and over performed others, than the guy who hid on another planet while ours was getting blasted

  5. He has endangered Azeroth more than he has ever protected it.

  6. Wrathion has gotten so many people killed for absolutely nothing. Until he grows up, I'm with Sabellian who at least SEEMS like he has a brain cells worth something

  7. I'm having an absolute blast with some of the best questing and exploration I've seen in a while

  8. Eh feels fine to me so far for the most part

  9. I wish they'd either remove that or make it actually go somewhere again. It looks pretty but doesn't do much

  10. Wrathion is a bratty child who caused a war with alternate draenor that killed a ton of people, and by proxy caused the Legion invasion. And got away with all of it. Screw him.

  11. This is why i am very liberal with the kick button

  12. They aren't animals so it's not zoophilia

  13. Should have beaten his ass and taken his phone

  14. I’m no friend of the cops, but all people should continue to be paid while there is an investigation going on. If they are found to have violated policy and are disciplined then they should be required to return the money they were paid. That should be true for every employee no matter their job.

  15. YTA get over yourself and let your daughter be with her father on her birthday.

  16. There's numerous articles and videos of teachers doing that shit, and drag shows. There's definitely more of that going on than what's just caught on video or reported on.

  17. I don't care about this guy but I do enjoy doing anything that annoys reddit mods

  18. I hate this country. I want to leave so badly.

  19. We didn't ask for a description of yourself

  20. Hopefully she miscarries. She's not fit to be a mother

  21. I didn't know they made a sequel to Edward scissorhands

  22. ACAB, should start running cops like him over

  23. No it doesn't, he died far above the clouds nowhere near the sea

  24. Yes it is. If I initially said that a majority of ASOIAF subredditors know _______, and concede that it's actually more likely a plurality, what I'm getting at is that there are multiple types of people in the sub that exist on a spectrum of knowledge.

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