1. Phones have banned at our in-person tables for the best part of a decade now - even for things like checking rules and character sheets.

  2. my experience is that no phones present just leads to more table talk as players who arent in action dont want to just sit around and watch others. and im not talking about personal stuff but about seperate rpying between characters that arent in the scene.

  3. they did, and it made them not wanting to leave civilised areas. we spend 20 sessions in fort beluarian.

  4. Protecting Leo was ragna's whole reason for killing dragons, then she is never mentioned after after ep 6 or 7 or something. Starlia was a much better replacement though.

  5. i like them both but silverine princess was so fucking cool im not mad about leo being gone

  6. Meanwhile in the Rhineland, East Prussia, Tyrol, Carinthia, Albania, Dalmatia, colonial Anatolia, east bank of the Tisza, etc.:

  7. This was what I wanted to prevent. I noticed my first impulse was to vote that what I vote nationally, but then European, without actually seeing if there are other, better parties out there. Ones that are more solarpunk-like. Other than a focus on the energy transition and some social policies, the leftist parties don't seem super solarpunk either.

  8. most solar punk activism is currently at local/communal level. also if you think about voting for "the left" and its national parties make sure you check their foreign policy first.

  9. A single CEO running a TTRPG company likely has a background in those and actually wants to make TTRPGs.

  10. mate look, the dude i initially responded to said "everything", and i responded with such context.

  11. The CEO at least has a vested in the continuing existance and well-being of the company. The same can not be said about investors.

  12. why would the CEO have an interest? thats just an asumption because you think the person has a personal investment. there are plenty of CEOs out there with get rich quick mindset. And there are plenty of fonds out there specifically about long term viability and companies that attract long term investors. but they dont make for great headlines.

  13. Guys go to the gym to try and impress girls, they usually only end up impressing other guys.

  14. if they wanted to they would pay attention to fashion and skincare. but they prioritise what other men think of them before that.

  15. i would more so say peer pressure and lack of male socialisation especially in regards to women. tho there are definitly men out there that fall in the category you mentioned.

  16. Well written reviews tend to gather a bunch of upvotes here.

  17. and there is also generally not many arguments here unless its a spicy topic

  18. Oder Menschen mit Depressionen neigen auch zu wokem Verhalten. Kausalität ist eine Hündin.

  19. hilft halt auch nicht das die seite des politischen spektrums die gegen "woke" ist auch mentale probleme ignorieren will und diese selbst als "woke" bezeichnet.

  20. traurig und lustig zugleich wie wir die ganzen medialen fehler der trump wahlen hier noch einmal wiederholen, weil wir nichts von anderen lernen können wenn wir nicht selber erst die gleichen fehler machen.

  21. Es geht ums normalisieren. Die Faschisten wollen die Leute glauben machen, das sie nur wie die anderen Parteien seien, und nicht brandgefährlich.

  22. Keine ahnung haben aber rumbeleidigen, genau mein humor

  23. oh yeah the dude was crazy and most of the actual good things where enforced by moscau upon romania... iron legion was also bad shit crazy.

  24. Pan Africanism is a dumb ideology and the way most of the symbols originate from the diaspora in the new world sucks

  25. not every idea needs to originate in the country that tries to implement it ..

  26. Spain did this as well. The problem is mostly a lack of political will.

  27. Giving off some serious ‘there is no war in ba sing se’ vibes there

  28. sounds like a mission for me. there were always female custodes

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