1. The lesser evil is genocide. How much further can you let the bar go?! How much worse can you get than full throatedly supporting and funding genocide??

  2. It’s not just Biden. It’s 3/4 of our government. We can’t overturn 3/4 of our government in a single election. If you want to stop the genocide your only option is to start a violent revolution now. Today. With exactly the amount of support you have at this exact moment.

  3. If you expected some sort of BG3 immersive-interaction with NPC reacting to the world environnement and your actions , you need to lower your expectations down a bit. Capcom is just a small indie-dev company even thought Itsuno stated that :

  4. They had moments like that in the first game. Julien reacted to you resurrecting him. Even unlocked him as a beloved.

  5. Lute as a lancer does make sense. I’m torn on Adam between bard and warrior. He uses an instrument as a weapon, but it’s an axe, not a bow.

  6. Yes, punching their health away is not an instant knock out like the grenades, but it counts as "non-lethal". You just have to be real close or else you blast them point blank.

  7. Good to know. I would always save feros for last so I could get all the grenade capacity upgrades first.

  8. You really don't need that. Even on my first playthrough on console I was always able to aim the grenades in a way that they often took out multiple colonists with one blast. I always have grenades left to spare at the end and some of the colonists drop more.

  9. You’re probably right. I just tend to play overly cautious in all games. I don’t like losing, so I take the extra effort to make sure I win.

  10. And I’m just a fighter shouting “nyeh! Nyeh!” As I try to cloudward slash my way up obstacles.

  11. I didn’t see anything about adding difficulty options that we can change as needed. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this game to death but it becomes a joke once you’re level 40+ because almost all fights are trivial and so easy.

  12. They’re probably trying to make sure the game functions as intended first before they start messing with things like difficulty.

  13. Welcome to the modern gaming industry. I don’t know what to tell you, but it’s probably not gonna get better, no matter how much we complain. So I’ve found I feel happier if I try to stay positive and think about what the devs can do with the executives breathing down their neck about profit, rather than thinking about what I’d wish them to do.

  14. No problem, a lot of people use it without realizing. Thank you for being kind and respectful.

  15. I don’t think I’ve heard it used outside of this comment. Call me stupid but how exactly is it offensive..

  16. It’s a term that’s been used to refer to a male person wearing feminine clothes. It had its start in the anime community in memes where they would show a picture of what looks like an anime woman, then reveal “it’s a trap” because it’s actually a boy wearing women’s clothes. Since then it has been used throughout the internet, often in porn circles, to refer to a range of people, from trans women, to crossdressing men.

  17. As a male feminist, I’m sick of old white male INCELS like this patriarch who think they’re entitled to women’s bodies in the afterlife - she’s probably moved on to a better partner like a guy who plays basketball and composes rap music.

  18. Wirbel x Ehre reception will be much different if Wirbel actually looks his age, 33

  19. Also the fact that it’s mostly one sided from Ehre’s direction.

  20. Her muffled panic screams after she says "It's dark and scary in here" are what I live for. It might be my favorite thing ever.

  21. And Vezimira has breached containment again...

  22. Archon got bullied out of the fandom, sadly. Asshats kept doxxing him and threatening his family.

  23. It just happened a couple days ago. It quickly got overtaken by femstodes and the Blood Games.

  24. Alastair might depending on how much you’re into cucking.

  25. To be fair, I did pay attention in school, and never recall the switch being mentioned.

  26. Funnily I remember the switch starting after ww1. Before then, Republican Teddy Roosevelt was a well known trust buster and environmentalist. Around the twenties we had three Republicans in a row advocating for lower regulations on the economy, leading to the Great Depression. The Franklin Roosevelt came in with social security. So the switch started long before civil rights even. That was just the final nail.

  27. "female women", not to be confused with "male women" and "female men"

  28. You could argue a trans woman is a male woman, and a trans man is a female man. We just usually don’t need to discuss male and female outside of a medical context. And as the other current meme trend of warhammer turning the gamers trans implies, grimdank knows trans women exist.

  29. Not sure exactly which areas this is in, but I know that there are a fair amount of schools that start teaching it in like 4th grade

  30. Fair enough. I’m not sure what the proper age is. I know I had several friends who had sex and had found porn on the internet before sex Ed was even offered, so I can see an argument for having it earlier.

  31. What’s worse is some pawns level 50+ still have the default skill from their vocation. I saw a mage level 53 and the only skill equipped was flagration. Who is doing this?

  32. Potentially the pawn got picked up for your recruiting pool at the same time that their arisen switched their vocation to grind the dp for it.

  33. You’re about to get your lunch stolen, your dick mocked, and cut in half. I’d say you are sufficiently troubled.

  34. We just get so excited to finally have a pocket that can fit a hand in it let alone a phone or wallet, it’s rare and we need to show them off

  35. I sometimes wish my pants had smaller pockets. They’re big enough to fit a switch with joycons attached so my little phone gets lost in them so easily.

  36. Fair enough. I’m just hoping it pushes the chuds further away.

  37. I think Viv was planning on making Lucifer a different character than who he is now, giving Charlie more daddy issues than the current version in the show

  38. Maybe she got out most of her daddy issue kink with HB and decided to tone it down a bit.

  39. I appreciate we mostly use the classical wizards of the coast divisions of magic here. But when it comes to enchantment you decided to switch it up and use the division found in the elder scrolls. Because the classical interpretation is just internal illusion magic, let’s be real.

  40. That is a good point, didn't realize that in Sir Pentious final moments he is fullfilling the requirements of the list. I wonder if before it was actually impossible for sinners to be redeemed, but since Adam's a dumbass and spelled it out it became possible lol

  41. Nah, Pentious stole Cherri’s heart in his final moments. Couldn’t be that.

  42. Specifically referring to mages with less mana. Doesn’t even mention her losses to non mages.

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