1. Supportive? Shotcaller? Closer? Guy was a carry jung who worked well w/ Huhi direction. They definitely still need a shotcaller

  2. Huhi was born in France(leaguepedia) - if they swap Targamas for another french support it should be fine right KC? just put Huhi on Amumu and lets go! xdd

  3. whats shopify? some NA trash team not named C9/TL?

  4. Good casters, good games, good crowd. LCK hits on every level. They even make games between bottom tier teams entertaining.

  5. I've never seen in my life a team more eager to fight than G2 with their only carry being a flashless veigar vs Zac Renata like seriously they have brain damage, quick 3-0 for Fnatic

  6. Mikyx: can't get reverse swept if we int game 1

  7. maybe he misunderstood some lane swap tactics and felt like bb needed a buddy with same kda as his inting/laneswap sion.. mikyx has been really off.. hope he can bounce back this series and msi but hes been carried hard by caps.. often they win 4v5 when he goes 0/7/2 on naut or hes on enchanter duty.. hope hes not washed yet.

  8. if the best player to ever play the game cannot properly use herald and easily misclick can happen is a HUGE DESIGN FLAW by RIOT. yes im t1 fan but this just unacceptable. billion dollar company and final get ruined like that im deleting riot from my networks

  9. wow actually thought BDS would make MSI, guess theyre cursed or choked it again.. FNC will be fun too tho:p

  10. My brother in Christ what the fuck do you want them to say? Saying how shit both teams actually are doesn't make people want to watch neither the third match or the finals tomorrow.

  11. maybe say that flipping nash in BDS' position is stupid and what they shouldve done instead, how they couldve played it better to prevent a full flip etc.

  12. What would you do to have bigger competition for G2?

  13. Adam Inspired Jensen Upset Targhamas with Forgiven headcoach and secret buff promisq on sub for free msi title :p

  14. unironically looked like me playing alistar in aram and trying to troll my teammates for fun XD throwing zac into your own backline lmaoooooo

  15. chaotic series but FNC is a way better team, even with the aurelion jinx they had the freewin and still tried hard to throw but TH pick Varus & r5 Trymbi Alistar PepeLaugh Kaiser died for this?!

  16. they ddos themselves for the meaningless first months of the season only to get super account for better practice on summer split and worlds. maybe they can use the super account after they get eliminated by damwon, but not during the competitive summer split season. competitive integrity!

  17. report everyone for drafting lucian nami into azir jinx report exakick and doss worst botlane in lec, actually disgusting how exakick ints, they are lucian nami and just get firstblooded so easily and take bad trades that stops the dragon stacking, not even talking about getting caught out and playing xayah like a sion xdd really good nisqy package, irrelevant picks renekton when he sees enemy team has azir seju jinx milio? what did you expect to do after 10-15minutes in this game?! just pick vayne top xdd or tilt splitpush on fiora since wunder has no answer to that.. i get irrelevant hates his botlane but even picking ornn/ksante and showing up to fights atleast..

  18. maokai > zeri azir > lucian nami = gg TH wins how stupid do you have to be to pick lucian nami for exakick and doss after their performances?! also yea lets pick renekton against azir seju milio, he for sure will be useful after 15minutes good job SK they just dont wanna win and TH knows it, picks scaling and waits for midlategame 2-1TH

  19. my eyes hurt.. this is the worst state of LEC ever.. just cancel MSI Prayge

  20. Sheo better Alistar than Trymbi lol

  21. Elephant diff I guess...?

  22. pick tank ksante seju + azir zeri + rakan sup, do nothing and wait for the apes to start inting. great drafting in this dogshit region

  23. You do realise SK had a scaling comp vs strong early game champs? Even T1 would not play aggro on what they drafted.

  24. im saying what they are doing is smart since most LEC teams arent good enough to punish that drafting - its just disgusting that its working, SK is a really bad inter team(except for irrelevant) that will always go back to scaling 5v5s like an NA team and they might just fluke their way into upper bracket lmao, still believing in VIT 2-1 tho

  25. if Jankos wants to go to MSI..this is his best shot - the return of the VCS' lost son Giang Vฤƒn Cแป‘t

  26. man the battle between zoelys, doss and targamas to see whos the worst support (and prob player) in the league is crazy, they all make my eyes burn mercilessly

  27. and we might just see them continue the battle in summer split

  28. Fnatic should really try and get him, I think he'd be a great addition to the team.

  29. and upgrade botlane too to actually contest g2

  30. fuck I give up, GX and RGE are gonna make playoffs, we're so fucking awful

  31. Naaaahhhh bro, Irrelevant actually gave up ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

  32. never put me on ksante again swiffer, im the carry on SK

  33. Trymbi was alright. Jankos was bad today. But zwyroo is next lvl. I don't even know did he play or it was a minion

  34. trymbi was inting and getting caught 24 7 how was that alright? the only good thing was botlane getting 2-0 with zeri 6 but thats more of a mistake of giantx botlane

  35. th is 6-2 fighting for first place and they lose to fking giantx? they got many wins by waiting for mistakes but once they have to be proactive its all going downhill. copium angle is they want to have giantx in playoffs instead of mdk or something and grief for that because what the fk is that level. also statement game by trymbi reported for sure, embarassing by TH

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