1. I heard may can be a bit warm. We went all of April last year and it was fantastic. We also got to witness the Sakura blooming throughout the month. For fall colors November is usually when it gets really colorful. It all depends on where you go in Japan of course.

  2. Also, instead of local-in I like to put ssl-vpn listening on loopback interfaces. This allows for more "visible" control of access against SSL-VPN and you can set security profiles and logging on the policy. Just a tad bit more granular control, and easier to monitor traffic.

  3. May 10th can't come soon enough.

  4. Are those moustache-stickers trying to censor the word "suck"? Is "suck" a bad meanie word now?

  5. så du ikke jeg brukte en?🤡🤡🤡🤣du er så kul når du bruker slurs mens du tror du er jesus, start på bezo igjen. Kanskje du roer deg ned

  6. Fytti helvete for en absurd person du er. Du må jo trolle? Jeg nekter å tro at det finnes såpass sosialt tilbakestående personer som deg på ekte. Om du har et legitime mentale vansker som f.eks Asbergers, så beklager jeg denne kommentaren.

  7. Du vet ikke hva han har av diagnoser, kanskje han har kronisk marihuana avhengighet. Da kanke purken gjøre stort 🫠 Hele den posten her er unødvendig og barnslig. voks opp og forstå at det er flere folk enn deg i verden som har problemer. «rutiner» er det langt ifra, det er en avhengighet. 🤡 Kanskje denne mannen har PTSD i tillegg, men alt dere ser er weed bad, so man must be bad!!!!! Anbefaler dere å endre litt meninger i livet deres, for dere har en forskrudd virkelighets oppfatning

  8. Er det ikke det nøyaktig hva OP sitt poeng er; forstå at det er flere folk enn deg i verden? Han ønsker jo bare at folka viser litt hensyn, han har jo ikke noe i mot folk som tar seg en blås.

  9. This biggie smalls mash up of Thomas the tank engine really slaps.

  10. That mashup is a eternal classic. God damn does it go hard.

  11. Kamakura&Enoshima are quite popular if you like temples and the sea. So is Hakone if you like the mountains. Yokohama has a few interesting sights. All mentioned are good day trips from Tokyo.

  12. Also Kanazawa, even though it's not that small. I just felt it was a less touristy Kyoto and a tad more relaxing. You also have Koyasan south of Osaka which is beautiful, and as you mentioned - Yokohama is pretty damn nice.

  13. I absolutely love Kanazawa - but I also don't really agree with it being called a 'less touristy Kyoto'. Kyoto is much more impressive and has significantly more things to see.

  14. Kyoto was indeed a great city, however if was just way too many tourists there, and so many that had not done the bare minimum of reading up on proper social norms in Japan. So it kinda pissed me off. The city it self is fabulous with a magnificent food culture, massive historical value and amazing sites, but leaving from Kyoto and seeing Kanazawa was a bit more pleasant for my taste. We are definitely going back to both Kyoto and Kanazawa in November this year.

  15. EØS-avtalen er en bilateral avtale som regulerer Norge, og noen andre lands, forhold ifht. handel, eksport og import, av varer over landegrensene. Forskjellen mellom EU- og EØS-avtalen er, for det første, at EØS-avtalen først og fremst er en handelsavtale og EU-avtalen har et mye større omfang. Videre er jordbruk, fiske og olje/gassindustri unntatt fra reguleringene oppstilt i EØS-avtalen, og Norge kan selv utforme egen politikk på disse områdene.

  16. Kan man ikke stille krav som søker til EU, slik at disse industriene holdes norske? Det må da være ganske vanlig å inkludere en og annen klausul i en slik medlemsprosess for søkeren? Ville nå tro at EU ikke hadde vært en greie om Brussels bare rævkjører alle medlemmer.

  17. Du stiller egentlig veldig store spørsmål her, men det korte svaret er nei.

  18. Vil bare si takk for at du faktisk tok deg tid til å skrive gode utfyllende svar. På tide å ta et dypdykk i EU sin historie og gjøre litt studier på området selv kjenner jeg.

  19. Impjack has the same smile, and the eyes though. But is it really that important?

  20. Impjaks proportions are entirely different, plus impjak has those weird ears. Cobson is more like a traditional soyjak

  21. You are the meme master, and I am but a pleb. However, by checking out this pic, the propositions ain't that off. This is from the impjack post on KYM, and I get your point. the new Impjack is definitely not what is pictured in the OP.

  22. But but but I like spreading democracy with overwhelming firepower and danger close just so I can feel the heat of liber-tea radiating it's sweet heat against me.

  23. Eh, Grønland has some minor drug issues and what not, but the dealers mostly leave you alone. They'll ask if you need some drugs, and if you respond with the classic "no thank you", they accept that, and some of them will even wish you a nice day.

  24. Om i tvil; blink dit du skal. Det er i hvertfall det jeg alltid gjør. Foreløpig har det gått helt fint.

  25. I totally respect vegans and their choice to cut everything animal based. However, if you are a vegan and planning a trip to Japan, you really have to consider if you can put aside your principles for the trip, or maybe just go vegetarian/pesciterian while traveling. This is probably very easy to say for an omnivore as myself, but that's just how it is when travelling to some countries.

  26. Just curious, would you say the same thing to someone who is halal or kosher? That they should just be ok potentially eating pork / pork powder laden ingredients for a couple weeks?

  27. It's not quite the same, but yes. If people come to another country, and if that country would be mainly non-halal or kosher; why should that entire country cater to their needs? Now, people who are Halal or kosher have it a lot easier, as those restrictions aren't nearly as "tight" as a vegan diet, so if your are Halal or Kosher you could easily travel a country like Japan. And I don't quite feel your cat/dog comparison is entirely fair. As I'd just eat something else than cat or dog; if a country ONLY served cat and dog though, I'd basically just find another country to travel to.

  28. Network design and implementation of said design. I am absolutely not best at it, far from it. But there are not that many people in the world working with it, so the chance of meeting anyone better than me, is rather small and within acceptable risk.

  29. Agree. I don’t have kids. My husband and I love our 30’s. It’s our 20’s with money.

  30. Hah same. I'm on the "wrong side" of the 30's, but my wife and I are not that interested in kids, and just having the time of our lives. Only drawbacks is that being hung over fucking sucks now, so we try to tone down the heavy partying.

  31. I'm just happy it ain't FortiOS this time.

  32. Les artikkelen, så finner du jo ut av det. Er nevnt kun 4 setninger inn.

  33. Vi kjøpte en LG i fjor. Den er dritbra, stillegående og energigjerrig. Samt den spiller en koselig megajapansk melodisnutt hver gang den er ferdig.

  34. Not to brag, but my home subnet is 10.10.69.x

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  36. Yea. You need to be a sheep and not question anything. 🤡🌎🇺🇸

  37. C E A S E Y O U R I N V E S T I G A T I O N S, C I T I Z E N.

  38. Just try searching for something using the search box in Windows Explorer under any folder and you'll see that it is next to useless because it's performance is so poor.

  39. Windows search pisses me off to no end, and the start meny is just off. I regret going to Windows 11 so much.

  40. That's what we say as network consultants too; oh to be a gardener/farmer. We saw, longingly, staring off in to the distance.

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