1. You could write a lengthy, detailed dissertation on how badly Robyn fumbled this bag lol

  2. Juan will literally show up to some hotel to pay for a “random” woman’s room because he’s just “that nice of a guy” but he can’t come and support HIS WIFE at the only job they both have (had??) between them is absolute insanity to me. I was very indifferent to robyn for most of her time on Potomac.. now I just feel so incredibly sorry for her.

  3. Yeah, she changed it. Why would her changing her location make her less wholesome? She’s dating. Y’all are barely hitting the 3rd date.. I wouldn’t be so attached until conversations about exclusivity are being introduced.

  4. I know I’m old af cuz I have no idea who this is but… I’m loookin 👀👀👀👀👀 respectfully

  5. I drank HALF of a watermelon four Loko my first week of freshman year. The first hangover I ever experienced was from a four loko. Hate to say it wasn’t the last though :/

  6. The brownies one are incredible. I can’t keep from eating the whole bag in one day 😅

  7. I genuinely believe the decline of RHOA started when they made Marlo a full time housewife. Not sad to see her go in the slightest lol

  8. I was about to sleep over here in Asia, wide awake now 👀

  9. She comes across as though she cannot stand James in almost all of her scenes :/

  10. Am I the only one who thinks she cannot stand James? Their scenes together are so awkward. She clearly does not like this man lol

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