1. What everyone is saying is true but I’d like to compliment you on those blisters 😍 they look immaculate and honestly I’d eat this bread 🔥

  2. Oh my goodness those are literal perfection! 😍 I love them so much. Keep it up. How did you achieve them? I get blisters on mine but not quite like this. I spray my dough with a spray bottle before going in the oven.

  3. As a mom of (soon to be) three I’m confused? wtf is a “mom fit?” lol.

  4. Stop it I’m dying 🤣 I traveled through Louisiana last summer and this comparison checks out 💀

  5. My friend in the UK uses one for her two year old daughter and I guess they’re pretty common there. I find it completely understandable.

  6. Sourdough home? Most American thing I’ve seen in a long time!

  7. Haha 😆 I love it! I wouldn’t have purchased it on my own but it was a gift. I just need to figure out how to use it properly as I’m still a beginner sourdough baker 🙃

  8. You should probably just keep less starter in the jar so it has room to expand

  9. Good idea. I was afraid to discard too much of it yesterday because I’m baking two sourdough banana bread loafs with it today, both of which require a good amount of starter. I overestimated how much I would need 😂

  10. My story was shared on TikTok but the person running the account reached out to me privately and asked for permission and I said yes. The comments on the TikTok video helped me a lot and it also helped others going through something similar not feel so alone. The woman running the account was so nice and supportive. I feel you though. Just make sure to keep your account as anonymous looking as possible and don’t include any personal information in your posts.

  11. Ugh that’s so rough I’m so sorry 😔 I see a lot of parents on here who just didn’t like the baby phase but do really well with their toddlers. Maybe that will be me. I hope.

  12. Sorry to hear you’re struggling. Babies are hard.

  13. Thank you. I do need to get out more. My dog has been my saving grace. I love taking him for walks and playing with him in our yard.

  14. Not going to lie I actually like this bikini… but yea she needs to size up 🫠

  15. I am 30 too, conceived my one and only at 29 while deep in my ED and severely underweight without a period. I have no idea how that was even possible but here we are. I didn’t do well while pregnant. I didn’t gain any body weight, all of my weight gain was from everything else that happens while you’re pregnant which you can’t avoid. I didn’t talk to anyone about it out of fear of shame and guilt. My daughter was born perfectly healthy though… for that I am grateful. Pregnancy is torture for people like us that struggle with body dysmorphia and eating disorders. Watching my stomach grow completely out of my control had me in tears every single day. I began restricting really low the day after I gave birth and now my ED is worse than it’s ever been, so that’s just great. I wasn’t able to breast feed shocker.

  16. FYI in case anyone doesn’t know: if you lose ur period due to ED ur not necessarily infertile so don’t assume you can’t get pregnant now. Be safe and all that!

  17. Yep I got pregnant after not having a period for 18 months straight. My daughter is three months old now 🤗

  18. omfg yes those '🚫', 'only managed to eat half🥺', 'X (unit) of (product)' or the need to explicitly say 'LOW FAT or SUGAR FREE (product)'... sigh. and the worst part is,,, the comments are always eating it up (...haha). Like yes, small steps are good and should be celebrated!! but keep that between you and your parents/friends/therapist.

  19. “Only managed to eat half,” meanwhile my ana b/p ass can eat more than two starved trucker men at a buffet no problem 💀

  20. Do men actually expect us to look like this? Lord I hope not because I’ve never met anyone in real life with a body like that, surgery or not.

  21. Pretty much all of her posts have a plain background too, hmmm I wonder why

  22. I don’t think it’s about brand at all. I think it is about the cut of the oat. I love Bob’s Red Mill Extra Thick Oats because they’re extra thick and have an amazing texture to them. They’re probably the best oatmeal I think ever made. But again, that has to do with the cut of the oat. Silver Palate makes the same cut but for a much higher price. I would bet that if Quaker made that cut of oats it would be just as good.

  23. I have the thick ones too! Have you tried their Scottish oats? They are fantastic. They are stone ground steel cut oats.

  24. They’re worth trying for sure they are basically a cross between oat bran and steel cut oats 😅 they take 12 minutes to cook in the stove but I often let them go longer that that even up to 30 minutes so they are super soft.

  25. Part of me is glad because it makes me feel less alone and less crazy I won’t lie… but also, I’m worried for all of the people who have it 🙃 it’s seriously so dangerous and I also don’t want it normalized or worse, glamorized. I don’t have TikTok and never have. I’m glad I don’t. In still traumatized from growing up in the 90’s and early 2000’s 💀

  26. ohhh my teeth are probably fucked from the amount i brush and purge. too scared to go the dentist lol

  27. I think it looks really good I would eat that. It could use a little more rise, perhaps your starter wasn’t very strong, but overall it looks good.

  28. She has bulimia for sure. Dry lips and small ulcers on the lips or around the mouth are common in periods of extreme vomiting and look like cold sores.

  29. If she was consistently throwing up her food her parotid and salivary glands would be swollen and it would be very obvious. They aren’t called bulimia chipmunk cheeks for nothing. The cold sores are likely due to a compromised immune system from being underweight and malnourished. Signed, someone still struggling with bulimia.

  30. Probably bc Megs kids are annoying due to their mother hating them. Andrew’s kids probably have structure and know how to act

  31. This. I was never close with my niece and nephew because they were honestly just terrible kids, way beyond what’s considered normal and my sister didn’t give a shit. She enabled their awful behavior and attitudes. I stopped babysitting and made myself unavailable.

  32. Lmfao 🤣 She’s so mad 😡😆 The leopard bones are shaped like a body part you dumb a$$

  33. How did they do that? I dont recall reading about this here but I am curious to know

  34. To be fair if she’s going to say something to her sister about her eating disorder it’s going to happen privately, not on Instagram. I’m sure she has said something and offered advice since she’s recovered from hers but she can’t force Lauren to do anything sadly.

  35. Target! Last Halloween season. $5. The brand is “Hyde and EEK!” 😂

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