1. i hope twizzly's magic candy doesn't fuck them for avatar of destiny

  2. Considering that people are disgusted, I think it's better that I don't know exactly what yellow means

  3. Edelgard: [has nothing to do with Jeralt's death, is vehemently opposed to it, and helps Byleth get revenge for it]

  4. I mean that is true and all but it doesn't really help that she's working with the group that killed our dad

  5. I don't get the post can someone explain please? I'm not versed in Warhammer

  6. "Tell me, Kreigg. Do you know the meaning of the word "mercy?"

  7. "Did you know that on a biological level, you are nothing of the same person you were since you were born, or even a few years ago? Your cells die off and are being held together by a constant cycle of death and the birth of new cells, making up your body in a way where you can never tell the difference over any given day. But you are changing, and every human is the living embodiment of theseus's ship. And what that means is that regardless of who you were in the past, more than likely, and if you're succeeding at life, you've changed. Becoming older, living day by day, all that means moving on to becoming someone new, both physically, mentally, spiritually, and biologically. You literally can't expect your identity to be the same your whole life. A great example is if you were a picky eater at a child. Can you imagine just how little you'd eat at any time if you made that your identity? And attempted to hold onto it your whole life? Your life wouldn't have so much less richness and diversity to it, so little flavors and chances for new experiences... and just as a picky eater eventually learns to step outside of their comfort zone to find a new realm of amazing possibilities in food, we do this every day as we move forward to grow and become whole human beings who experience life on a grander scale than before."

  8. Asking is a little less embarrassing than getting it wrong

  9. ikr like it feels so jarring considering how beloved he is 💀💀💀

  10. I'd say most of the whiny Zuko moments but considering what's happened to him? He has very good reasons for that.

  11. Honestly I think she's a neat character and a fun one. Don't know how to feel about her being the new Dragon Warrior as of now.

  12. Ruby: . . . Looks like Blake is pretty focused on Yang.

  13. Am I the only one who prefers show Amber, including this change?

  14. tbh good for you! you know what you like and i appreciate it, even if i don't like what occured here

  15. Ok. No offence but what’s the point of this post because you probably know this point has been made 100s times. Unless you don’t.

  16. i haven't been on the sub much, if at all, i apologize for not knowing any better

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