1. As a hooker, I say let her jump. Or rather, let her try >:D

  2. A weird thing about this is: I stopped playing this game for maybe 8-10 months and when I came back, none of my builds were gone. So this doesn't work as a solution for you, but it seems like if you skip these "reset patches" then you can keep your build. 

  3. The worst times to play this game are the times when there are more busted champs than one team can ban. It's not a good feeling praying people just forget that the easy 99-0 champ is on the table and not play them. Or the classic situation of "don't ban X, they're my main." "But they have first pick..." "Trust me bro." [Enemy team picks the champ first] x_x

  4. It's actually an advanced tech. The way I do it is to mute map pings and have a stream running in PiP mode. Conveniently, the native size of the PiP blocks my map completely. The final step is to set your game to "group chat only" so no one can talk to you and you can AFK farm as Shiv/Kayle in peace. Easy clap diamond 1 every season.

  5. The same thing happened to me the other day but I was on the other team. It was 29 minutes of absolute hell. I was the only tank in the game (thresh) and our whole base was open and our nexus was at 50%. Enemy team got 2/3 drags, 2 barons and elder. We managed to ace them even with those buffs and ran it down mid. That game should NOT have been that hard but we won. Slightly less embarrassing is losing to jungle Yuumi, which happened to me twice.

  6. In Botlane, for Example, Your team picks Draven and enemy picks Caitlyn. Yes he maybe countered and easily bullied by Caitlyn but you as a support can pick a champion that can bridge that gap and make it easier for your Draven.

  7. You're actually thinking, though. OP is talking about the 99% of players in this game that are usually AFK during champ select and let the game pick their champ for them.

  8. Posts like this always make me laugh because it doesn't matter what lane you're asking to hover, we all know every mother fucker out there will take the max amount of time to last-pick a champ, see there is no tank or AP and lock in Ashe top. 

  9. Loot system? Do you mean the poro chests? Or the orange bullshit that I completely ignore because what the hell is even that?

  10. The game is a coin flip at all ranks. I can't tell you how many times the adc flashes a mastery 7 on 10 different adcs in champ select... And then he misses 95% of the CS from the first 3 waves.

  11. I'm emerald 4 atm but am going to shoot for emerald 3 before the season ends. I'd rather start plat 4 than gold 1. Especially because I already have 2 chips in E4.

  12. All junglers should have an ability that puts a zero-damage barrier around all of their camps that only blocks ally damage. 

  13. Lmao. I clicked this expecting you to do what we all did a few years ago. I hoarded like 50k poro coins and every other consumable and then spent them all when I dropped the game a year ago. It was like 2 years of hoarding. But a bit under 2 months for ranked chests? zzZ There's not even any insensitive to spend those things since the ranked store is shit and you'd only want a shield if you're boosted.

  14. Does champ score mean anything or do anything or matter at all? 

  15. I thought coin was a troll item? Did something change in the past like 6 months?

  16. bUt eVeRy gAmE iS wInNaBlE nEvEr gIvE uP oR fF eVeN iF yOu'aRe hOuSe iS oN fIrE

  17. I've had dravens like this on enemy teams that started inting because jungler wouldn't give him red buff or some shit. People have the weakest mental. You never know, but if you ff you sure know it's a lose

  18. It's been a pet peeve of mine for like a decade seeing people say "mental" and not "mentality". It's the verbal equivalent to listening to some shitty dubstep song that is just the build up and they never drop the bass. Stop edging me and just say mentality! (Half joking)

  19. Giving up is the right choice 7/10 times. But I can't deny the fact that hubris is a potent killer. The score is 5-30, enemy team has 3 drags, elder, herald and 2 barons. Then, for no reason at all, the enemy team tries to 1v5, 5 times, with 45 second death timers. So you get to casually walk down mid lane and kill them all individually and end the game.

  20. Thresh is by far the best at that imo. He can engage, peel, save teammates that get caught out, he scales very well, he deals deceptively high damage so he can 1v1 most champs anywhere and can 1v4 anyone if he has a tower/nexus. Many a quad I have gotten to save games. He doesn't suffer as much from having shit teams like Leona, Ali, Naut and Braum do because he is still a threat no matter what.

  21.  I got Bewitching Vex and Infernal Kennen. I'm a jungle/supp main, didn't own them and never play those lanes. It's also weird I got two yordle skins but at least they aren't 540-tier. Here's hoping tomorrow I pull the 0.05% chest on the last free event drop.

  22. One thing that was kind of sad for me to learn is how quickly VSTs and other DAW plugins die. I've never made a song in my life, but I felt like learning recently since I play piano and haven't done anything with that as an adult. 

  23. xm5s. people do say xm4s are more worth the money. also you could get 3m worktunes...

  24. Do you have experience with the XM5s in the situations I mentioned? How did they do?

  25. Ho-ho, me too. Though for this topic I am in desperate need of someone who has first hand experience.

  26. The low opacity smaller face on her forehead made me think she was transforming into Perfect Cell at first.

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