1. It's incredible to be free of the addiction. You can't go "cold turkey" from food, and I didn't think anything short of that would ever be enough to snap out of it, so I just thought I'd never be here. But I am.

  2. Tough to pull off since so much of that was 10+years prior and the actors have aged. I don’t want some crappy de-aging performed

  3. A $1000 as a deposit?! This kinda makes me upset that the cast is ok with this. Like, y'all gonna charge me $300 for running into Jensen in a coffee shop and saying hi? Fuck this bullshit.

  4. Pricing for the actual event hasn't been determined yet -- they're setting the deposit at $1,000 to try to gauge interest. If you end up deciding to go after you put down the deposit, it goes towards the cost of a cabin. If you end up not deciding to go, well... it gets automatically refunded if you don't buy a cabin/ticket 10 days after the tickets go live.

  5. Maybe send a text or go old school and write a letter? I say this solely because as someone who’s been pregnant before (without the added trauma of infertility) I was an emotional wreck and the idea of a confrontational conversation on a group scale alone would have stressed me out.

  6. There's no good way to confront someone (even gently) about their bad behavior. Text is easy to misinterpret. Face-to-face doesn't give you time to process. If they do anything via text, it might be a simple, "Let's talk about this more at our next meeting?" -- which indicates a lack of agreement without indicating disagreement, specifically (like, you could be just not committing to an agreement because you need more clarity, or you could be sidestepping it because you want to address their concerns more fully, or whatever). It's kind of placating (in that you're not just ignoring the message) but noncommittal.

  7. She literally tells dean she was abused and thats THE REASON she made the deal to the demon kill her parents. You should rewatch.

  8. Oh? Nothing to say to that? You're just going to downvote me and not admit you were both rude and wrong? All righty then.

  9. In my opinion, the last episode really elevates the entire show. It delivers on themes that started brewing way back in season 2 & brings additional light to events that happened in season 1.

  10. Divisive is the right word, as in, some people hated it, some people liked it. So it's a gamble, as you obviously can't know which category you'd fall into unless you watch it.

  11. Do I really have to break down what is insulting about you thinking that I find the last season of supernatural:

  12. Makes sense for them to set of EMF given the fact that they're basically just, to quote Bobby, "ghosts with an ego." It actually really bothers me that it got retconned. They did set off EMF at first, and then they didn't, and the show stuck with the idea that they didn't. While at the same time adding information about demons that logically means they should set off EMF. Super annoying.

  13. When do they establish that demons don't set off EMF? I don't remember the retcon.

  14. You should post an episode summary (or, at the very least, the title) if you want to know what people think about a given episode. Most folks don't have the numbers memorized...

  15. Yeah I know, but the show didn't even give Sam opening the vault a shot.

  16. Unrelated but does anyone find Jensens acting as Michael as bad? It’s the only bad acting I’ve seen him do on the show.

  17. Michael is formal, arrogant, & prone to posturing, so Jensen-as-Michael seems more stiff/less natural in his movements & speech than Jensen-as-Dean because, well, that's how the character is.

  18. I think he saved Dean's life and he killed Famine as Dean and Cas couldn't do it.

  19. They were in the middle of a case when Dean disappeared in the final. things needed wrapped up little creamers in the lab needed destroyed. Did Sam even do that after Kevin was taken by Crowley. Kevin needed found Meg needed found his brother and Castiel needed to be found! The rest of the leviathans needed hunted. The final wasn’t the end of the case at all.

  20. I didn't say it was the end of the case. I said that Sam's normal reaction to Dean's disappearance in the middle of a case (which this was) is to look for him. Which I think you agree with? And then I explained why he behaved differently this time.

  21. I don’t know what’s harder convincing an SPN fan that Sam was wrong again or trying to prove to Jared fans that Jensen isn’t a scab for promoting his beer. Either way it’s ridiculous what knots and pretzels people turn themselves into for the sake of a badly written character that is told by the narrative that he was wrong. That he should have looked even by the person that made that stupid “don’t look for each other” shit up but you still think he did nothing wrong or even shitty! That he was just so mentally fucked he couldn’t take the hints Crowley was tossing his way, but he could follow a pattern he always does when His brother is gone he ditched his brother and finds a girl pretty consistent for a mentally fucked guy don’t you think ? one he lied to about his life Like he did with Jessica and Lindsay. Sam is a shitty partner and I’m happy his baby momma was just a blur she probably got lied to like he rest of them and had no real life with Sam. I bet he told her he was a handyman with a knack for AC units!

  22. It must be comforting to you to think that Sam is uniquely bad in this situation. After all, if Sam's just an awful person here, you don't have to worry that you'd ever have a similar mental breakdown & let people in your life down like that. Because it's not an understandable trauma response, it's just "Sam being wrong like he always is."

  23. Hmm okay. Im too and I would never be ok with dating someone who pushed my kid (even if he had his reasons lol) because he turned into a supernatural being and who lived in the edge (even so he lived lile that to save people) and was most of his time on the road… dean is an amazing guy but for me not dating material and all my girlfriends agree.. if you know plenty of girls who dont agree with me its fine, thats why i have an UNpopular opinion ;) also lisa as a characther itself was ok but we never see her apart feom dean and his normal life arch!

  24. Im trying to watch buffy but I don't know im stil on season one I don't even know what episode ( something about a woman insect, that mates with virgins, a whole new level of wtf) and I still can't get into it

  25. Season 1 is kind of uneven. If you stick with it, it gets a lot better! Play on your phone while you watch if you need to.

  26. Skip episode 20, but I recommend you power through the rest. Play on your phone or watch at 1.5x speed if you need to, but (as someone else already said) you're going to miss some major stuff if you jump that far ahead, and things are about to start shifting into a different gear.

  27. Yeah but you could assume Jo maybe had lost the charm but the tattoos are apart of them. They never showed or tried to show the tattoo.they didn’t even mention it.

  28. Rufus & Jo weren't really listening to Sam when they captured him because they thought it was just demonic trickery. He was busy trying to get them to even pay attention to him -- I don't think he'd really turned his mind to "What can I say to convince them?" yet.

  29. We’ll that makes sense. It seems out of character for Bobby though. Wait, as I’m typing I remember him talking about getting pedicures, so yeah, I can see it.

  30. Dean's just making a joke, though -- he says he hopes that Bobby's working a case, and says that otherwise, he's at Hedonism. But we're not supposed to believe him!

  31. I'm from the East Coast, but I lived in Arkansas for some time for work, and I'm always tickled when I recognize one of the cities from in or around my "other" home state!

  32. Nobody's death devastated me the way Dean's death did, because there weren't any characters we ever got to know so deeply & personally (fifteen years' worth of experiences), and because we saw the hole left in Sam's life afterwards. If the actual death scene doesn't start the waterworks for me, I'm just absolutely guaranteed to cry when Sam's in the kitchen & Dean's not there to grab the toast.

  33. Congrats on making it to the end, and I'm glad you liked it! I agree, Supernatural was an incredible show from start to finish. (And it had so much potential, such rich characters, that we could've gotten even more, but I'm grateful for what we got.)

  34. Heads up that you need to edit your spoiler tags! Looks like they aren't working...

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