1. Taking it out of context, now that I've read the comments, makes it not really fit here.

  2. I tend to eat while cooking, so mostly I am not hungry anymore once the food is ready.

  3. Central Europe, watched american cartoons as a kid. It was still China.

  4. I would turn to my wife and say "You are WHAT?!"

  5. A genre where a futuristic world is depicted, running on renewable energy, such as solar, wind, water, etc.

  6. No real goals. I'm 34 and just live my life day after day and bring some positivity into the world, with every interaction. I'd like to be like Uncle Iroh once and also see the return of Halleys Comet.

  7. Also we have Super Pockets on our Super Pants

  8. I've been wanting a dark and gritty war movie with Stormtroopers for years now.

  9. I don’t ping unless the person I’m watching is out of danger (and has been for a moment). And then I ping once. We all need a reminder sometimes.

  10. I always wanted one of these when I was younger. Today my setup just wouldn't fit.

  11. He'd probably flown sorties over NAZI infested Europe by the time he could grow that moustache.

  12. Yeah, my grandfather remembers hiding in the basement when he was 5 years old, whenever the airplanes came.

  13. That Brigitte artwork was my desktop background for a while

  14. I knew "Military Time" before I could interpret a regular clock.

  15. Green. My favourite color is green. I still wear mostly black though.

  16. World hopper, but if you find me and invite me to tag along, I'll play with you untill one of us has to go. Then you'll remain on my friendslist, but I'll never join you.

  17. "How many people does it take, Admiral, before it becomes wrong? A thousand? Fifty thousand? A million? How many people does it take, Admiral?!"

  18. Mass Effect and make her choose the dialogue options.

  19. Wer is er eigentlich, dass er seit Jahren seinen unnötigen Schaß da reinschreibt?

  20. Unvergesslich wie ihn Sido da zerissen hat🤣🤣🤣

  21. Muss jedes Mal dran denken, wenn ich irgendwas von dem Typen seh. Aber anschaun kann ichs mir nicht, sonst cringe ich zu hart.

  22. Now I want to make a new account and just roam around in populated worlds as a desktop using bot.

  23. I have never thought of this. And now I will regularly.

  24. I am at the airport roght now, so I could potentially go anywhere. I'd like to go home the most.

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