1. I’m a career nanny. These young kids today (10-16)…smart, compassionate, clever, ambitious…my elderly days will be better because of them. I have HUGE hopes for the future.

  2. Don’t beat yourself up too bad. I’m a good driver, never had a ticket, never been in an at fault accident…till I hit the gas instead of the brake and pushed my garage door in a little 😂 You live and learn.

  3. Uma is older than me and i somehow manage to look like her mom 😆

  4. I often barter services. I babysit for my nail technician, I clean for my waxing services. I do pay for massages, but use Groupon a lot.

  5. As a young woman, Linda Evangelista gave me great confusion 😊

  6. Probably him just being a super extrovert is enough. As an introvert I find that a lot of extroverts believe they can "cure" introverts by being even more extroverted at us. They are like the militant vegans of the personality wheel.

  7. As an extrovert, this took me a long time to realize. I used to think everyone that wasn’t like me just needed a push. It’s a personality flaw I struggled with when I was younger.

  8. As someone who strays the line between both depending on the day and situation I find people who fall firmly on either type to be annoying as fuck.

  9. Yep. I was purposely excluded from a get together because everyone thought I was “too much”. It really opened my eyes. For me it was compensation and wild and untreated Adhd. My adhd is still pretty wild and untreated, but I have personal diversion skills now. Excusing myself to the bathroom, taking my phone out and playing a quick game, finding a safe person to ground me a little.

  10. I know a couple like that. Dude is like 6'6" and she's 5'2"

  11. Imo counting calories/tracking macros is 100% essential if you want to make any big, lasting changes to your body. There is no way to know how much you’re eating otherwise. You can’t eyeball it. Speaking from experience.

  12. Agreed! I lost a bunch of weight that way before, I just can’t seem to get my head around it lately.

  13. Try Cronometer if you ever want to try again, it’s way better than myfitnesspal imo

  14. I used Lose It and loved it so much I bought it! I’m not opposed to trying new things, so thank you!

  15. I put yellow springs and Akron in google maps and it said 2:38 drive time

  16. Seriously. If he had said "it looked like he was dropping the baby, so I grabbed them and i grabbed him too roughly and bruised him", yeah, i totally get that.

  17. When my son was 4, he thought he would be a “big boy” and get out of the car by himself. First and only time it ever happened. He got out and went to go around the car and went too far out into the street. I saw him at the very last second and the only thing I could reach was his hair, so I grabbed it and dropped him. I had pulled a little of his hair out, and he scraped his shin. I still haven’t forgiven myself properly 20 years later.

  18. Yeah, and it's pretty much the opposite of OP. You did something that actually needed done to save your kid, and are genuinely sorry.

  19. If you can speak, you can breathe. Often times when someone is restrained and talking, they are using the last bit of useable oxygen left in their body to make sound.

  20. My take too. A lot of people are saying to make it painful for him, but there’s a decent chance that he’ll give her a slap, or worse.

  21. I was pulling my boot laces tight, and one of them snapped and I gave myself a big black eye.

  22. Thanks for that. Now I will ignore the laundry for a little longer.

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