1. Egg White Grill with buffalo sauce and a medium fruit cup

  2. Just got mine yesterday too. Haven't been able to take it off.

  3. I love that Damian! Him and Lobo were my very first DC figures.

  4. That's Amazing! Did you make this?

  5. So it’s okay to make fun of a dudes appearance because he called your favorite basketball player old? Jesus this sub is cringe as fuck

  6. ?? Bro I hate Lebron, Brooks is just an idiot

  7. Absolute Banger. AJR is 3 for 3 so far with TMM!

  8. I find your lack of Markannen disturbing

  9. As a Cards fan, the feeling's mutual

  10. This is getting framed in gold in his mother’s sitting room

  11. It's getting framed in gold in my sitting room

  12. What in the holy fuck are you people putting hotsauce, ketchup or pepper on your pizza for? None of you idiots are allowed to make fun of pineapple anymore.

  13. Really taking the initials JC to another level if you know what I mean

  14. Old Jazz team would have never won this game

  15. I'm not sharing my blue milkshake with any Clanker.

  16. Will you share it with a fellow trooper?

  17. When he said "It's Russin' time" and Russed on all the defenders

  18. They sell them on the official Jazz Team Store

  19. “I’m here to suck dicks and chew gum”………..

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