1. Respectfully disagree with this take... I paid for all future DLC. It was the main reason I bought EOD back in 2018. So that I have anything and everything that comes to EFT down the line. Any new modes or editions with any type of in game benefit... I've already paid for it. If it's in the game (content) and it's sent from the server to client (download), I have bought and paid for it.

  2. Oh it’s just occurred to everyone that we’re living in a fascist dictatorship of the bourgeoisie? JUST NOW we realize this?

  3. If this doesn’t boil American blood then nothing will. This should have the entire nation mobilized.

  4. The only reason why I oppose it is because this is yet another example of our freedom of speech being violated.

  5. If we’re getting our “information” from TikTok, we’re already ☠️

  6. Don’t tell them this. They’ll cut you off at the very last moment with no signal.

  7. I grew up thinking that I wouldn’t see this exact same post on the same rotation of a few subreddits all the time

  8. You definitely made it out on top, although I do recommend a 16in ar

  9. The worst I’ve had with them is when they suddenly snort some line of code and suddenly have max RPM on the gun and dead eye aiming as soon as they see you. Sometimes I can kill with the face shot. Other times I’m flinched so much I have to dive and stim to recollect. At this point I’m figuring it’s better off to destroy their arm instead. But that might be the same issue for you. It’s not all devastators. But the few in the long range group that are just hyper pinpoint

  10. Lol it’s 5am and I fuckin died laughing. Neighbors probably pissed at my screeching

  11. I think stealth Zealots have us beat for “most fragile class”.

  12. Personally, I just constantly get hit by that one single poxwalker still alive after I’ve set the entire room ablaze

  13. She’s my wife now. I had to weigh love vs box table. I made my decision. I live with it.

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