1. What kaido saw after luffy awakened gear 5

  2. I was blushing so hard that it took me nearly six days to respond. Stop it, youuuu

  3. I used to flip coins into my mouth when I was a child. One went down my throat, it was a 2p coin. I choked really bad and went to hospital. Lesson learned. Didn’t flip coins again.

  4. Hahah I assumed it was a copypasta due to the unhinged victim complex while still giving yourself a pat on the back for carrying. You really meant that, huh? Yikes.

  5. It isn't really a victim complex, as you put it, it's just the state of QP. Like 95% of Genjis are just straight up trash, so I understand where the supports are coming from (I'm an Ana main so I know this firsthand). It doesn't change the fact of the matter: Genjis will, more often than not, get little support in QP (SUPPORT, I'm not talking about HEALING at this moment; there's a difference), unless they're grouped up with people. As I said at the beginning, I don't care much about it and, when playing as Genji in comp, I get pocketed most of the time when I'm doing well enough (again, just an observation; it would be a "pat on the back", as you put it, if I were to say something like "I happen to be up there with Necros and Pinkji"). I was just stating what I've seen happen a lot more times than I can remember. Not sure why people nowadays are becoming so melodramatic and have to blow things out of proportion.

  6. A solid representation of your username

  7. As Zen, I hit everyone with an orb of harmony before the match starts for good luck.

  8. How tf do you forget to heal on Zen? He’s like the easiest to do both heals and dmg (his heals just kinda suck tho)

  9. He doesn't output crazy heals like some support do, but I've gone 1k/min many times with him (and out healed main heals at times), most of my heals being with the orb (around 80% a lot of the time). It's how you juggle the orb between targets that matters.

  10. Indeed! I honestly forgot I had a healing orb when I first started playing the game, so this made me lol. But once you learn how to use it properly it can give you tons of value. Very useful in squishes like Genji or tracer, specially now that it lasts 5 seconds and it's more likely they're back in LOS during that time. Useless on someone that's in line of fire and critical, very useful in low/crit health who have backed off or are hiding and not being pursued.

  11. On the contrary, the people who've backed off don't need it as much as the critical ones/ones in line of fire do. Orb healing is best in those situations as they may be hard to track or follow for the other support and throwing an orb on them just might guarantee their survival and sustain them long enough to maybe ult and win the team fight. It makes even more sense when you consider the fact that they might be too far for your other support to be able to heal them, so your orb is the safest bet to keep them alive and to keep your other support from rushing in to save them haha

  12. Began watching it today on a whim and I'm almost done with the first season. It got to a point where my laugh and smile completely went away cause I felt attacked. I think that was this moment haha

  13. Not sure if you managed to find the answer but it's James Allen.

  14. You could've had the a at the end if you hadn't put two t's after 1s

  15. Okay, I feel more confused now than I feel right.

  16. You are not sure if the colombian navy would understand the english word „help“?

  17. ??? People say “my word” all the time in America

  18. Depends on what area you're talking about. Haven't really come across anyone in the tri-state area who says that, at least unironically.

  19. That's not rare. That's rear.

  20. Fool me one time, shame on you. Fool me twice, can't put the blame on you. Fool me three times, fuck the peace sign. Load the chopper, let it rain on you.

  21. Unreasonably angry for something like this would be wanting to commit multiple crimes against humanity. Maybe they want to do something along those lines. Who knows

  22. Thanks! If possible, can you also screenshot your character creation specs?

  23. Especially in Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas. He just wanted a small break from the holidays to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa.

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