1. I have some typical winter dullness, so I've been using it in the morning after washing my face and before applying moisturizer.

  2. Also before sunscreen right? And should I start using ist slow like 1-2 times a week or do I use it everyday from the beginning?

  3. i have normal skin in the winter and oily skin in the summer, but this was too harsh for my face. i love using it on my elbows and armpits though. removes my ingrown hairs and it makes my elbows super extremely soft.

  4. I just ordered this yesterday I’m so excited to use it

  5. The easiest thing to do to reduce and prevent wrinkles is to use a medical grade retinol at night and a moisturizing SPF in the morning. If you're in the US you have to ask a dermatologist for retinol, though in some places like Mexico you don't need a prescription. More expensive solutions for wrinkles include microneedling, chemical peels, lasers, and botox.

  6. No I’m from Europe, I can get it without any problems. I’ve heard about retinol before, how often do I use it?

  7. Okay first of all: have you ever thought of getting help? I have depression since I was 12 what is quite some time. I really understand what you are going through and maybe you don’t even want to get help. I thought that nobody would be sad about me ending it at some points of my life but this mindset is so wrong! Even if you just have your mother left, it is the worst thing for parents to lose their children. I’ve been in therapy for several years now, I’ve even been to the psychiatry a lot of times and I don’t regret anything of that. I hated to hear this myself but it can get better if you want it to. It also doesen’t make you weak to get some help! After all I can still understand how you are feeling because I felt like that a lot too.

  8. NTA They are yours and she didn’t had any right to take them. If she would have given them back to you after you asked it would be a slightly different. But especially now that they are threatening you??? Go to the police! Tell them what happened and show them the texts. Your husband even said he is on your side so I think you have all the support you need.

  9. My boyfriend has a high body count and a lot of sexual experience as well. A lot more than I do. One night stands, 3 and even 4 somes. The difference between us, is that it doesent disgust me. I would understand if it made you insecure. That’s how I feel sometimes. It can be scary to think that you might not be enough. But I don’t understand that disgust and honestly I’m sorry for you wife. She has done nothing wrong.

  10. Omg im so sorry. That’s a big betrayal from your (ex?) fiancé and sister. they say blood is thicker than water but then your own sister does stuff like that???

  11. “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”

  12. Oh wow I didn’t know that. I thought this was weired anyways because you can choose who you want to be friends with but you can’t choose your family so you might not come along with them even tho you are related.

  13. I don’t know your sister and I could be wrong but maybe she did this as kind of an apology or to show you that you still mean a lot to her? I’m not saying that this fixes everything. What they have done is an absolute betrayal and it’s shocking that you could do that to your own sibling. I think I would feel the same way as you do.

  14. This definitely is SA. And your mom shouldn’t try to shut you down. Have you talked to others about this topic? I’m really sorry that you had/have to go through this… I’ve been in a similar situation. My cousin abused me when I was four and I didn’t remember until I was 16/17. I talked about it with friends, family and my therapist. This can really help you to process this. Is there maybe another family member you can tell about this? Somebody you can trust?

  15. Yeah, I can tell my bio dad.. But I don’t want him to blow it out of proportion yk?

  16. Yes I know.. but maybe it would be good if you could talk to anybody irl about it?

  17. Feel you. My parents didn’t respect my privacy for a long time too. And when I was complaining about it my father said things like ,my mother would bathe me until I was 17’. Just because his mother did that doesent mean, that it’s normal or ok!?!? We didn’t have a key for the bathroom until we moved (Wich we did shortly before I turned 16!) and the door was made out of glass!!! (We did hang something there to make the door less see trough but it was never 100% covered) My parents would come in when I was there taking a bath or showering and when I would tell them to get out they said THE EXACT SAME THING. and no just because you are my parent doesent mean you can walk in at me showering or in your case changing.

  18. NDA solche Aussagen sind daneben, egal ob man weiß, dass jemand ,betroffenes’ in der Klasse sitzt oder nicht. Vor allem hätte sie nachdem du sie darauf hingewiesen hast anders reagieren und auch evtl Gedanken machen sollen. Pädagogisch ist das Ganze meiner Meinung nach absolut nicht wertvoll sondern schädigend.

  19. I totally feel you. I have to admit that I have never been totally overweight but I still was overweight. Now I’ve lost about 50 pounds in less than a year and I’m realising that people judged me more than I thought just because I didn’t fit in that thin beauty standard. For example, the (now ex) stepfather of my best friend said ,oh you’ve lost some weight. Good for you, you look so beautiful.’ It may seems like a nice compliment at first but it made me feel like trash. It made clear that he didn’t think that I was beautiful before that. Some people might say I am overreacting or I misunderstood him, but believe me i didn’t. An even more shocking situation was with my pe teacher. She always hated me for some reason, but I never thought that it was because of my weight. I took kind of a break from school and when I came back a lot of people realised that I’ve lost weight. My pe teacher came to me, smiled (one of the first time she smiled at me btw) and said ,Woow you’ve lost a lot of weight’ since then she’s been incredibly nice to me, gave me better grades and didn’t make fun of me in front of class anymore. I really consider this as fatshaming. Things like this really make me sad. This stuff really makes you realise, who you should and shouldn’t keep in your life AND that fatshaming not always has to be visible.

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