1. When they talked about not being able to comprehend the size of cargo ships I could totally relate. When I was deployed on the USS Bonhomme Richard LHD-6(rip) we stopped in Hong Kong and seeing the cargo ships was blew me away and my ship wasn’t no small one either. Looking at them fully stacked out lined up felt like a scene from a sci-fi movie

  2. Unless it’s half assed like infinite was.

  3. Can anyone tell me if it's worth watching if I thought s1 was bad

  4. It’s not like at all. The effects are bad like 2010 bad. The script plays like it was written by 6th graders. Acting is worthy of a Razzie. All around just fucking bad.

  5. Master Chief and The Weapon(insert new name here) makes a desperate jump through slipspace and comes out in the silver timeline where we see Master Chief show Johnny Rings what it means to be The Master Chief.

  6. Dang Voldemort really living on your doggo’s butt

  7. I mean an aircraft carrier of today’s US Navy is absurdly big compared to other naval warships. So I guess it would make sense that a science fiction planetary assault carrier would be scaled up dramatically as well.

  8. I put some in an old dube tube for when I’m out and about and didn’t want to bring my grinder.

  9. 343 should have every gun from all the games in the armory for you to choose from in custom settings. Maybe not every variant, but at least every base version. Although I am an idiot that could barely “code” my MySpace so it’s not lost on me that that might just not be feasible.

  10. So one of my biggest complaints of this show so far is they make the Spartans as these indomitable heroes of humanity and the covenant as this unstoppable threat to humanity. Yet as of this point they haven’t shown either being over the top heroes or villains. Like this recent episode I expected to get a showing of Kai absolutely going full lore accurate Spartan 2 in the simulator to show the recruits and us how it’s done. Kinda like in Too Gun Maverick when Maverick proved to his team it could be done. But nope we get completely incomprehensible combat where the supposed best of the best can’t be bothered to gameplan the sim prior to. Such wasted potential.

  11. This guy is drinking the coolaid but seeing 100’s a day is reasonable in parts of Arizona. Just was a deep dive article in the NYT about it. Ranchers are seeing 1000’s over months on trail cams just crossing. Nothing they can do or want to do about it. They leave supplies out for them so people don’t die but the land is massive and hard to navigate. The smuggling business is a multi billion dollar venture just from Mexico to the US. What surprised me the most was many of them are Eastern European and Asian. Have to remember this is the largest human migration in human history happening at this moment. I don’t think people realize that yet.

  12. I don’t disagree that there are people coming over the border that’s literally always been the case legal or not. But 10,000 marching across the border like the Battle of Helms Deep is one of the most laughable comparisons.

  13. Yeah they definitely are. Makes me wonder if they are just being a troll.

  14. Looks like a limited edition Montucky can and I love it!

  15. Need a Hunter card that says “I can’t Lekgolo you” or something like that.

  16. You know what, you’re right. That was a rather uncalled for comment for no reason.

  17. While participating in Operation Tomodachi during a late night well deck op we had 4 of the mooring lines snap while securing the second LCU. My line snapped twice. Scared the shit out of me. Snapback aint no joke!

  18. It's pretty astonishing. I love this city, but I can't understand why anybody would move here. I get high earners moving here to work in banking or medicine, but I can't grasp the other reasons. Remote tech employees are getting laid of by the thousands. Many of these "high earners" better not be in tech or they might have a real issue on their hands.

  19. Lived in Spokane from 2017-2022 before unfortunate circumstances and family brought me back to Ohio. After living in Spokane, ohio is just unappealing and I’m desperate to move back. But I’m not one of those high earner so that’s likely not going to happen.

  20. I moved here from Ohio. I would NEVER go back to Ohio after living here. (dw, not a high earner, just a dirty construction worker lmao). I sure hope you can move back here soon!

  21. I was just a bagel baker and axe throwing coach so I couldn’t afford housing and apartments won’t rent to me because I have a husky. I definitely had no intention/desire to return to Newark Ohio

  22. As a fellow citizen of Spokane, Washington, thank you for the shout out Burnie! (But also- it’s pronounced Spo-Can, not Spo-Cane.)

  23. I lived in Spokane for a 5 years from 2017-2022 and had to move back to Ohio(ugh) for family and have been debating returning to Spokane, Burnie yelling Spokane felt like a sign to me 😂

  24. Had a Ridgeline plow into the back my forester last May at ~50mph while I was at a stop. Watched his approach and impact all through my rear view with just enough time to think “well this is happening”. This video legit spiked my blood pressure.

  25. Wort wort wort the fuck! This is absolutely amazing! The attention to detail is blowing my mind!

  26. Oooo I’m so scared meal team six is gonna come get me 😂

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