1. Is partial shapeshifting allowed? Like if I knew someone with blue eyes, could I change only the the color of my eyes?

  2. Pan de Mallorca, we eat often in my household.

  3. He’d probably end up using the voices of other characters like how he pretended to be blast to tatsumaki.

  4. Honestly, getting a GT would be a dream come true

  5. Consult your doctor. Over lifting is always an issue.

  6. There is only a very small subsection of fish that live in salt water that can survive in fresh water, and an even smaller subset of fish that can do so for an extended period of time. Humans would be negatively impacted in a major way as a large amount of the world population rely on seafood for sustenance. Even for those that didn’t rely on salt water fish for sustenance, the loss of jobs would have a significant effect on the economy. I would say that it would not be worth the marine ecosystem collapsing to have a potentially unlimited water supply. That’s not to mention that the water would eventually get salty again even though that wouldn’t really be a concern anytime soon.

  7. There is a kind of lizard called a tegu that raises its body temperature to 10 degrees Celsius warmer than its surroundings during their mating season. Of course a strategy like this wouldn’t be very viable on Mount Everest. I’m assuming that raising your body temperature by that much requires a large amount of food which would be difficult if not impossible to find on Mount Everest, but I feel like it might be worth looking into to answer this question. Hope this helps.

  8. No, they aren’t very similar. I can’t really get into it without spoiling the end of solo leveling for you but the endings are very different.

  9. Typical overpowered, flawless, black-haired, male isekai protagonist who doesn’t have to work at all to reach his goal of making his crush fall in love with him.

  10. Humans are social animals that develop deep bonds with those around them, particularly their close relatives. When you look at the elderly, if humans weren’t social organisms, then the elderly would have a very difficult time surviving, given decreased physical abilities. They would struggle extremely and end up being outcompeted by their younger counterpart which happens often in the wild among non social animals.

  11. Actually the reverse is also true. Living longer was an advantage because learned knowledge is so important that having grandparents to learn skills from is significantly more helpful than only having parents to learn from.

  12. I agree, I just meant that if humans weren’t social, then they wouldn’t live as long.

  13. I personally don’t think so. I like to think of him making that face as him being sad that even someone thing strong isn’t strong enough to give him a good challenge.

  14. From what I’ve heard if they aren’t straight, girls are more likely to be bi while guys are more likely to be gay but I don’t know how that pans out looking at the population as a whole.

  15. Well we know that Jinwoo had already planned to use the cup of reincarnation to turn back time a good while before he fought Antares. So even taking your theory into account and saying that he could’ve brought Antares into his realm and killed him, it still wouldn’t have brought back the tens if not hundreds of millions of people that had already died, making it sort of pointless. I know you’re probably thinking that it would have just been easier for jinwoo to just kill him you’re way but I think that jinwoo probably got good match up experience against the only monarch who could rival him 1v1. Even then, another benefit to fighting Antares 1v1 was that part of Antares’ army ended up having to look for him and that means that less people were likely to die.

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