1. If we think about it, it seems poetic how an Omnic designed for war managed to become an idol of peace between Omnics and humans in this mirror universe, but along comes a mysterious British woman with something in her hand.

  2. As the last Kashimo fan, I can confirm that I don't exist.

  3. Rumors say they're both quite thorny for each other

  4. Ability wise im not sure. I’d love to see her mechanical floor get lifted big time and have some more utility added. Her necrotic orb in the OW2 beta was a really cool concept just executed poorly.

  5. Its pretty hard to rework Moira without just creating a whole new character since there really isn't anything that makes Moira "Moira" y'know?

  6. You’re just not reading my comments. So I’m just going to summarize my point, the reason that tank is miserable is too much of the roles value is gotten indirectly through the enabling of others, because it’s too damn easy to shut down a tank compared to the other roles. Tanks want to play the game too. If you can’t comprehend this then I frankly just give up lol.

  7. This is evidence that you can, in fact, win games through pure mechanical skill

  8. Probably. With the main reason being that they didn't really reveal a support hero on the "Overwatch" side in the new gamemode, so a good guess would be that the role will probably go to her.

  9. You can see that he is definitely enjoying the extra added flavors.

  10. well don't worry, you haven't been totally spoiled. it's a lot more complicated than that, calling him a "clone" is pretty reductive of what's actually going on.

  11. Yeah, more "resurrected" than "cloned" is what I think Donald is since his brain always stayed the same for the most part.

  12. lol I was thinking that as well, maybe we'll actually hit a Mixed on recent reviews for a change!

  13. And maybe, just maybe, I will stop seeing comments about how the porn is better!

  14. Wish Parting Gift came back tbh, Hell even having it come back as an AOE heal on death would be something at least.

  15. So Junkrat should have his grenades on death removed then? You know the character that has had an "on death" ability since Day 1 of Overwatch years ago? You know, the one that can actually KILL the person that killed him, or really anyone else on your team?

  16. Terrible example. That passive is a meme ability and nothing more. Nobody ever takes that into account whenever talking about his kit. Just a relic from OW1 that the devs kept because why not?

  17. Wait until there are also two Echos and we get another zombie comp experience

  18. How did my goat bastionmain make it in I am so proud of my short king

  19. Thanks, I'll get that to share next time people say 6v6 is easy to balance and the only reason we had issues was that they stopped working on it.

  20. Don't forget to glaze Jeff Kaplan all the way through and say how much better he is than all the dev team combined.

  21. They'd probably do the same thing they did for OW2, which is removing one tank.

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