1. If I were you don’t study in London, seems great but rent prices of drinks out and international fees mean you won’t actually be able to do that much, and the vast majority of students at LSE UCL kings etc don’t go out they study, if you can get into Leeds, Manchester, Bristol you’ll have a muuuch better year, much more fun students :))

  2. You’re a neek because the butchering of brehs in Mexico is a hot topic for you for some reason.

  3. First things first I was actually moving this geezer, secondly who are you lot on Reddit calling people nerds and neeks honestly laughable

  4. So if i were to call someone a neek on any other socials its not the same?

  5. Reddit is for neeks/geeks people who like to know about stuff and don’t tell me you have Reddit just to sub to drill pages cos that’s bare fucking sad

  6. Bro, clear that debt, you’re at 5.4, if you get this pc you’re gonna be at 7.7 instead of gaming think if something you can do to earn extra money (can you get overtime? Possible second job?) also the electricity that a 2.3k of + monitor + Wi-Fi router running for (im guessing 4-5 hours a day will really add up)

  7. I saw a video of a new overnight train in Europe with built-in wireless chargers next to your bed that will hold your phone in place to charge whilst you sleep.

  8. This is true only if Spurs fail to secure a silverware

  9. Well done for acknowledging and trying to sort the problem, it looks as though there’s already a lot of help here but I just wanted to say you should be proud you’re taking the right steps now, not ashamed of what’s happened in the past, good luck and I hope this could be the thing many people in a similar situation need to see :)

  10. I would say £50 a month on entertainment isn’t very much, that’s less than £2 a day, just want you to have a realistic expectation of what you will WANT, not need to spend a month

  11. Because Uber and Deliveroo will be a magnet for illegal immigrants because of the ability to use a substitute and the fact that riders are not employees.

  12. Oh right a daily mail article on immigration, think you’ve just lost your argument there you racist piece of shit

  13. If fuel prices are what's driving it, increasing interest rates doesn't matter.

  14. I agree, that’s why I said it’s not a linear relationship, but the change has to be proportional to the wanted effect, and this is not

  15. My point isnt that it's not a linear relationship, it's that raising interest rates might not have any impact on the main drivers.

  16. It is Also worth noting the demand for oil is very often derived from demand for elastic consumer goods (either directly-plastics, or indirectly (transport)), so reducing the demand for these goods will reduce the demand for oil needed throughout the supply chain, helping to try and curb oil price increases

  17. So you’re telling me if the premier league team of the season attack was a real team it would be really good? Crazy that

  18. Stalling, not giving way when cars are parked on your side of the road, touching the kerb when parking are all majors and people do them all the time, easily within an hour.

  19. npn is clearly penis between boobies, -|_- is her safe word before she goes ‘down on I’ the rest is pretty filthy so don’t want to scare young brains….. or if a girl goes to the lengths to make up a secret code and give it to him, she probably fancies ripping his clothes off

  20. Honestly at this point one tip a night is great, all I can say is you honestly make a lot of riders night ( having a shit shift, restaurants being rude, road rage when cars pull out, decided this is the last job… boom £2 tip 🤤)

  21. As a ex uni student who’s just moved away and started a new job not sure this is the best idea, has he got a job currently? If not the stress of having to pay rent is not nice and is just nice be home for a few months before I ultimately will unlikely ever move back, enjoy the last few months you’ve got with him :))

  22. You've done something in your life that has cost the government close to £50k. They're asking you to pay some of that back at a very reasonable rate.

  23. Buy a phone from cex (2 year guarantee) get a sim on a monthly rolling contract (smarty is incredibly good value if you can live with slightly sub par data connection speeds) gives you flexibility to jump between good deals that pop up without knowing you have to spend £x for 24 months

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