1. The fact that your wife also only talks about boys yikes, idk if i were u id prob try to find more like minded and/or lesbian friends to discuss media with, its what has helped me personally! Even if its through like bumble bff or a local club or something

  2. What happens to me is I’ll see chemistry between 2 women characters and everyone is like “but why can’t girls just be FRIENDS anymore? Why does everything look like romance to you?” Or a woman seems pretty queer coded and people are like no I don’t get lesbian vibes because she didn’t explicitly have a relationship with a woman… and won’t acknowledge WHY you don’t get queer relationships in most things. And like I understand the desire to have more ace characters, but every time I say I see them as sapphic nope I’m wrong.

  3. It made the Digimon movie (which is really just 3 OVAs in a trenchcoat) so much more enjoyable too. In japanese a Lot of these OVAs is just silence.

  4. It's never too early to introduce children to BNL.

  5. Oh, okay, they're BNL now? We need a shorthand for the Barenaked Ladies. That's how fundamental they are

  6. Yes 100%. I also do it with times i was at lower /more negative points too, and that seems to happen when i feel 'bored' with life and unstimulated (which usually to me means not emotionally chaotic) just to feel somethinggg

  7. Dont use voice chat and get your own squad that you can chat with and play with! Thats what i do (: if you ever wanna play cod im on playstation and have all of them except vanguard and new mw3

  8. Love her. I feel like she was constantly fucked over by her friends when at the end of the day she always had good intentions

  9. I found snow to be boring because it was so narcissistic, and while sometimes it was interesting to peak into the mindset of someone capitol born and raised, i enjoyed katniss way more, i think because it was more relatable and she was faced with a lot more dilemmas and issues than snow that felt like more was at stake / more turmoil.

  10. https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/489

  11. Thank you!! Might have to check that out for skyrim then, im just so new to mods, is lovers lab safe ??

  12. In what way? It's hosted on Nexus last I looked (on work PC so won't now haha) and had a lot of dedicated users so I'd expect it to be safe for your PC.

  13. Yeah i meant like safe to download or use on my computer, im scared of getting computer viruses lolll

  14. Santana 100%, and you bet my closeted gay high school ass was reading santana / brit fanfic too

  15. Voted!!! Thanks for sharing. Hopefully everyone will put stuff about investigations 2 needing to be released in the US 😭🤞

  16. At 23 had an aggravated DUI where I totaled the nicest car I’ve ever own even to this day, and had an ankle bracelet for a bit. While that cost a lot of money and pain for my family it still didn’t stop me from self destructing. Several suicide attempts wether it was flat out or through unhealthy behaviors— binge drinking hoping I would die while blacked out. Things of that nature.

  17. Your fourth paragraph hit home for me, it really does come with the perspective from age/experience. Also love "the only way out is through" u summed it up perfectly.

  18. Phoenix Wright ace attorney games, Shadow of colossus, bioshock, last of us 1 and 2, danganronpa, 999 (9 hours, 9 persons, 9 doors)

  19. Eh... Maybe true 10 years ago. I'd say most engineers with 7+ years of experience living in any major metro area in the US (outside of low COL areas specifically) probably have TCs close to 250k.

  20. damn, lotta people here don't like when fictional adults enjoy something considered "childish"

  21. For me its not that necessarily its moreso that the whole episode revolved around it

  22. You might be the only one. I loved the dreamatorium, but I get that it breaks realism pretty badly. Would take Hella imagining and probably LSD to make that thing work.

  23. Yeah maybe thats why its dumb to me like i get like floor is lava or being in a batman costume or a cardboard robot costume but the plain room run on abeds' "thoughts" or whatever is so meh

  24. I honestly dont play pokemon anymore which is so sad because ive put so many hours into the games in the past but since the switch i havent been able to get into any of the new games :(

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