1. I nominate Godot. His journey from attorney to prosecutor hits every emotion. From inspiring 'hope' within Mia as well as 'loving' her deeply and that love being his driving motivation moving forward. To 'dying' and being reborn. He was 'feared' as a prosecutor and had immense 'rage' towards Phoenix and had enough 'willpower' to never give up the fight until the end. He showed a lack of 'compassion' at times especially towards Phoenix and Pearl. And he showed 'greed' by wanting to get revenge for his own personal vendetta even if it meant hurting innocent people. In my opinion he embodies all the emotions to a tee.

  2. She probably won't appear at all but if she did, I would like the show to explore her identity crisis more. Fully embrace the uncertainty that comes with being created in someone else's image. Is she actually her own person or is she just emulating Eva? Does Dante actually like her because she's Trish or because she's the closest thing to reuniting with his mother? What makes Trish her own person and not just Eva? This is honestly the modt intresting aspect of Trish's character yet the games haven't bothered to explore much outside of the first game briefly.

  3. Belial fits your request the best but if your not feeling him then...

  4. Mavado I feel actually has a lot of potential to be cool. The hooks on his legs are really neat and something I want to see expanded upon in the modern age. Just imagine all the cool flips and kicks they can make this guy do. Not to mention revamping his moveset for a 2D fighter. Backstory wise you can make his Black Dragon story more interesting as well. You could make him the leader and have him more level headed and intelligent than Kano. Or you could even make him leave the Black Dragon and try to do his own thing. There are many routes this character to go and It sucks that he's already gonna be a kameo because I was really looking forward to how NRS would reimagine this character in the new era.

  5. Chris and jill both have there pros and cons

  6. Jill having two more inventory slots is pretty huge imo

  7. I use the Razer Raion. It has basically everything u mentioned above. The only 2 downsides are that it's expensive, and depending on if u get a new or old model, the dpad doesn't have a pivot in the center. But if u do happen to get the old model, u could order a 3d printed pivot online for like 2 bucks. Hope this helps

  8. I do not do modifications to anything. I've broken many electronics and my eyesight is poor.

  9. If ur buying it new or from a well known shop like amazon or something it should be the new model. Otherwise, the new model's serial number starts with "PM2052". It should show on the box but usually the serial number isn't listed online. Though if ur buying from ebay or similar sites you could message the seller to send you a picture of the serial number.

  10. Ben states that the chief was the one who put him in there. Naturally, Leon believes that the chief (who's his superior mind you), had a good reason to lock him up. I don't know about you but I wouldn't wanna let a stranger out before consulting the one who imprisoned him, since they could potentially be dangerous.

  11. Depends on the type of gate. It is generally not recommended if you have a square gate. But with an octagonal or circle gate, those shapes accomodate for people that like riding the gate better.

  12. Those fucking snake assholes in RE4 and RE5 that come out of boxes to bite you and then slither away nonchalantly like they done no wrong. Screw them!

  13. Literally how I found out about my snake phobia as a kid. Traumatized me for life. Little bastards.

  14. I feel like for the prosecution Ace Attorney has to do something that the series hasn't done before. If we just had another "Stoic and calculating" archetype it would feel too similar to the ones that have come before. One idea that I have is to make the prosecution two people. Sure it is pretty unrealistic but the series has done weirder things. They could be siblings for example with contrasting personalitys that could make for an interesting dynamic. It has always struck me as odd that the defense would have an assistant, but the prosecution was always just one person. I think with this outline they could make some really interesting characters while keeping the formula fresh.

  15. I would say Granblue Fantasy Versus. Though the game doesn't have a big online scene compared to other fighters. Regardless, the game is extremely simple to play with a small cast of characters to boot. It's really cheap (I believe it's like 25 dollars?). It has a decent tutorial and not a lot of mechanics. Almost every character has like 3-4 special moves and there's even shortcut inputs if you can't do motion inputs yet. That way you can really focus on improving your neutral and other fundamentals. Also the game doesn't really have a lot of crazy bullshit e.g GGS or DNF Duel since all the characters are fairly honest.

  16. Not as bad as some other distributions I've seen, but yeah that top 3 is crazy strong. Quietly surprised Vanessa isn't higher. I also feel like K', Heidern, Ryo, and Ramon being that low is more indicative of the Work-to-Power Ratio. Yeah, Heidern is capable of some unusual stuff, but he's still significantly less consistent than Ash, Delores and Elizabeth who have similar edge benefits with substantial side benefits.

  17. Imo, this is the epitome of an underrated game. Even if we do not consider "Farewell, my Turnabout", which is easily one of the classic masterpieces of the franchise, AA2 was a pretty neat entry imo.

  18. I completely agree. JFA is in my top 3 ace attorney games in my personal opinion.

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