1. "Want to do your research? Google free now! Go ahead! Or are you a sheep?" Sheep eat their poisoned feed out of the same trough. The smart ones find their own food in the fields.

  2. The problem started when you wondered if you should ASK your daughter. You are the adult. If you don't act like it, they will. Boundaries, momma.

  3. Hang on tight, Patriots. They're coming for our little green lasers, now.

  4. Look in the rbottom right corner. See the Chem trail behind the cloud? Yeah. That's the shadow of the Chem trail above the cloud.

  5. Indians drink Yaks milk every single day. They have been doing this for thousands of years.

  6. GMO crops are being made without seed.

  7. 🤣 that's why we only get MMR 4 times instead of every year forever... right?

  8. It depends on the chapter and the importance it will have on each character.

  9. Been writing stories and comics since I was 7. Got really into it from 12-20.

  10. It's nice to have celebrities around that remind us that they, too, are normal people. And should act as such.

  11. For everyone who died unnecessarily, and everyone who was injured unnecessarily.

  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZMyWEWHCTM

  13. I saw this in action in October 2018. 2 roommates and multiple witnesses in front of a Taco Bell in Oregon. I felt watched, like a buzzing in my skin, so I looked around and looked up... saw a silver shiny vehicle floating in one spot, quite low to the ground. Sun reflected off it. When a bunch of people started to look up to see it, it did this cloak thing I've never seen before! I almost jumped out of my skin. It was like an invisibility cloak in Harry Potter, cloaking clockwise from the top right all the way around to the bottom left and up. Then a tiny puff of white cloud started to form from beneath where the vehicle was. Got bigger and bigger until it was just this white puff in the middle of a perfectly blue 4pm sky.

  14. The Grey State project and Obama's "Smart" Guillotines.

  15. Proof? If there was a sound stage that they filmed this on, it would take hundreds of technicians and artists to pull something like this off. To think that they wouldn’t know what they were involved in and wouldn’t say anything is crazy.

  16. And they used some of the same employees in the production of both.

  17. So those technicians didn’t work on just that one movie. They all went on to hundreds more different projects. Yet none of them ever said the moon landing was fake and they worked on the film set. That’s a bit far fetched that no one would say anything.

  18. Laurel Canyon military facility.

  19. Growing up I witnessed Gay people being the villians.

  20. Seriously. All we learned from dare was street names for drugs lol.. in 5th grade.

  21. Didn't they show you guys previews? That uses a projector, right???

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