1. Flexibility can be a factor so maybe some yoga or something?

  2. Get books your interest in. It doesn’t matter what point you’re at as there are books made and aimed at every level, just make sure that you get ones that are interesting to you and aimed at your level.

  3. Practise cross learn oll and realise that 14-15 is actually quite far from sub 12

  4. You’re right that this shouldn’t technically be considered parity as you can resolve it in so many ways and whatever, whatever, yadda, yadda, definition idk the real meaning of parity, but yes this shouldn’t really be called parity because parity is an unresolvable issue which needs a complex algorithm or something

  5. Oh well if cubing YouTubers say it it must be true :/

  6. you can use table in 2h. and how would this be regulated? "the cube can start and stop on the table, but if it touches anytime in the middle that's a DNF"

  7. it might work better as "the cube must not be turned whilst in contact with the table.

  8. I really liked this one despite it being a bit older as it shows a route of improvement

  9. Aaaaand both your comment as well as the OP post are examples of toxic masculinity and why men need feminism as well

  10. I don’t think the commenter was expressing his/her opinion and was instead talking about the way the person must have felt with his upbringing at the time.

  11. Maybe if you stopped calling shitty vegetable spread butter.

  12. For me in the uk it’s doubly weird because we never had characters advertising anything let alone cigarettes.

  13. As well as having nothing to do with books you have posted the same post twice?

  14. That would be too expensive, so many channels hit 10k

  15. They could do like a nice metal keyring in the shape of a play button

  16. Only time it’s acceptable to clap after landing.

  17. It was either this, one of the maglev pyraminxes or the MGC Evo pyraminx

  18. I have all of the major pyraminxes besides the RS which I have tried both versions of the only ones I would ever recommend are the the weilong non maglev version either of the RS versions or the yuxin little magic with my overall recommendation being the weilong non maglev. (The gan is good but it is slightly worse than some that cost much less)

  19. The best thing with f2l is to choose a case and sit them down and have them try to find all of the best ways they can find to solve the case then get them to remember the best one they come up with. Repeat this with the most common cases. As they do this more and more they will get better at finding good solutions and have a more intuitive understanding of the cube.

  20. What’s your address? Not planning a robbery or anything….

  21. Same I said “Sacrifice The ROOOK” in my head as soon as I saw the move lol

  22. I will send you 100£ if you show me a video of this

  23. I expect that either multiple corners were twisted and you didn’t notice or you twisted another one without realising during the solve. If is mathematically impossible to do a sequence of moves that twists one corner.

  24. Have you played with it yet? Piece differentiation looks like it could be quite hard?

  25. Yes I did just play a game and it is not too bad. The top of each piece is quite distinctive and there is a good height difference.

  26. Looks really cool though I definitely want one like it when I have space in my house.

  27. You Could mention the different levels of colour neutrality that are popular

  28. This is the colour scheme I use with black swapped for yellow

  29. On this particular scramble the ‘body’ the main moves was three moves away from being solved and he also had three ‘tips’ which were unsolved. The execution of the scramble was done extremely well especially for the hardware used. It took me multiple tries to beat it on modern hardware without the pressure of doing it in competition. This is also one of the longest still standing records in the speedsolving world.

  30. There’s still a few but hundreds less than if I didn’t have it there.

  31. Make sure to keep an eye on Facebook marketplace and similar they can have some great deals

  32. why would you resign? your opponent can literally stalemate you with a premoved laddermate

  33. With two queens, you can stalemate vs a lone king. There is literally no reason to do it. Or that premove trick eric rosen uses all the time where he has a piece a knight move away from the corner and when it gets taken you go to the corner, and a premove later its stalemate

  34. I guess I have just never had opponents who pre-move probably because I only play on slower time controls

  35. The king and the rook haven't moved. The king isn't in check. Castling wouldn't put the king in check. I've tried dragging it 2 spaces and dragging it on top of the rook. Nothing. Is this just the chess.com mobile app being dumb?

  36. It really annoys me that you have been downvoted this much when asking a question on a subreddit literally designed to do so

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